This is a notebook from the live coding session by Dr Hugo Bowne-Anderson on April 10, 2020 via DataCamp.

Imports and data

Let's import the necessary packages from the SciPy stack and get the data.

In [1]:
# Import packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Set style & figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Data urls
base_url = ''
confirmed_cases_data_url = base_url + 'time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv'
death_cases_data_url = base_url + 'time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv'
recovery_cases_data_url = base_url+ 'time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv'
# Import datasets as pandas dataframes
raw_data_confirmed = pd.read_csv(confirmed_cases_data_url)
raw_data_deaths = pd.read_csv(death_cases_data_url)
raw_data_recovered = pd.read_csv(recovery_cases_data_url)

Confirmed cases of COVID-19

We'll first check out the confirmed cases data by looking at the head of the dataframe:

In [3]:
5NaNAntigua and Barbuda17.0608-61.7964000000...77915151515191919
8Australian Capital TerritoryAustralia-35.4735149.0124000000...808487919396969699100
9New South WalesAustralia-33.8688151.2093000034...2032218222982389249325802637268627342773

10 rows × 83 columns

Discuss: What do you see here? We can also see a lot about the data by using the .info() and .describe() dataframe methods:

In [4]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 263 entries, 0 to 262
Data columns (total 83 columns):
Province/State    82 non-null object
Country/Region    263 non-null object
Lat               263 non-null float64
Long              263 non-null float64
1/22/20           263 non-null int64
1/23/20           263 non-null int64
1/24/20           263 non-null int64
1/25/20           263 non-null int64
1/26/20           263 non-null int64
1/27/20           263 non-null int64
1/28/20           263 non-null int64
1/29/20           263 non-null int64
1/30/20           263 non-null int64
1/31/20           263 non-null int64
2/1/20            263 non-null int64
2/2/20            263 non-null int64
2/3/20            263 non-null int64
2/4/20            263 non-null int64
2/5/20            263 non-null int64
2/6/20            263 non-null int64
2/7/20            263 non-null int64
2/8/20            263 non-null int64
2/9/20            263 non-null int64
2/10/20           263 non-null int64
2/11/20           263 non-null int64
2/12/20           263 non-null int64
2/13/20           263 non-null int64
2/14/20           263 non-null int64
2/15/20           263 non-null int64
2/16/20           263 non-null int64
2/17/20           263 non-null int64
2/18/20           263 non-null int64
2/19/20           263 non-null int64
2/20/20           263 non-null int64
2/21/20           263 non-null int64
2/22/20           263 non-null int64
2/23/20           263 non-null int64
2/24/20           263 non-null int64
2/25/20           263 non-null int64
2/26/20           263 non-null int64
2/27/20           263 non-null int64
2/28/20           263 non-null int64
2/29/20           263 non-null int64
3/1/20            263 non-null int64
3/2/20            263 non-null int64
3/3/20            263 non-null int64
3/4/20            263 non-null int64
3/5/20            263 non-null int64
3/6/20            263 non-null int64
3/7/20            263 non-null int64
3/8/20            263 non-null int64
3/9/20            263 non-null int64
3/10/20           263 non-null int64
3/11/20           263 non-null int64
3/12/20           263 non-null int64
3/13/20           263 non-null int64
3/14/20           263 non-null int64
3/15/20           263 non-null int64
3/16/20           263 non-null int64
3/17/20           263 non-null int64
3/18/20           263 non-null int64
3/19/20           263 non-null int64
3/20/20           263 non-null int64
3/21/20           263 non-null int64
3/22/20           263 non-null int64
3/23/20           263 non-null int64
3/24/20           263 non-null int64
3/25/20           263 non-null int64
3/26/20           263 non-null int64
3/27/20           263 non-null int64
3/28/20           263 non-null int64
3/29/20           263 non-null int64
3/30/20           263 non-null int64
3/31/20           263 non-null int64
4/1/20            263 non-null int64
4/2/20            263 non-null int64
4/3/20            263 non-null int64
4/4/20            263 non-null int64
4/5/20            263 non-null int64
4/6/20            263 non-null int64
4/7/20            263 non-null int64
4/8/20            263 non-null int64
4/9/20            263 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(79), object(2)
memory usage: 170.7+ KB
In [5]:

8 rows × 81 columns

Number of confirmed cases by country

Look at the head (or tail) of our dataframe again and notice that each row is the data for a particular province or state of a given country:

In [6]:

5 rows × 83 columns

We want the numbers for each country, though. So the way to think about this is, for each country, we want to take all the rows (regions/provinces) that correspond to that country and add up the numbers for each. To put this in data-analytic-speak, we want to group by the country column and sum up all the values for the other columns.

This is a common pattern in data analysis that we humans have been using for centuries. Interestingly, it was only formalized in 2011 by Hadley Wickham in his seminal paper The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis. The pattern we're discussing is now called Split-Apply-Combine and, in the case at hand, we

  • Split the data into new datasets for each country,
  • Apply the function of "sum" for each new dataset (that is, we add/sum up the values for each column) to sum over territories/provinces/states for each country, and
  • Combine these datasets into a new dataframe.

The pandas API has the groupby method, which allows us to do this.

Side note: For more on split-apply-combine and pandas check out my post here.

In [7]:
# Group by region (also drop 'Lat', 'Long' as it doesn't make sense to sum them here)
confirmed_country = raw_data_confirmed.groupby(by=['Country/Region']).sum().drop(['Lat', 'Long'], axis=1)

5 rows × 79 columns

So each row of our new dataframe confirmed_country is a time series of the number of confirmed cases for each country. Cool! Now a dataframe has an associated object called an Index, which is essentially a set of unique indentifiers for each row. Let's check out the index of confirmed_country:

In [8]:
Index(['Afghanistan', 'Albania', 'Algeria', 'Andorra', 'Angola',
       'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Argentina', 'Armenia', 'Australia', 'Austria',
       'United Arab Emirates', 'United Kingdom', 'Uruguay', 'Uzbekistan',
       'Venezuela', 'Vietnam', 'West Bank and Gaza', 'Western Sahara',
       'Zambia', 'Zimbabwe'],
      dtype='object', name='Country/Region', length=184)

It's indexed by Country/Region. That's all good but if we index by date instead, it will allow us to produce some visualizations almost immediately. This is a nice aspect of the pandas API: you can make basic visualizations with it and, if your index consists of DateTimes, it knows that you're plotting time series and plays nicely with them. To make the index the set of dates, notice that the column names are the dates. To turn column names into the index, we essentially want to make the columns the rows (and the rows the columns). This corresponds to taking the transpose of the dataframe:

In [9]:
confirmed_country = confirmed_country.transpose()
Country/RegionAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaAustraliaAustria...United Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUruguayUzbekistanVenezuelaVietnamWest Bank and GazaWestern SaharaZambiaZimbabwe

5 rows × 184 columns

Let's have a look at our index to see whether it actually consists of DateTimes:

In [10]:
Index(['1/22/20', '1/23/20', '1/24/20', '1/25/20', '1/26/20', '1/27/20',
       '1/28/20', '1/29/20', '1/30/20', '1/31/20', '2/1/20', '2/2/20',
       '2/3/20', '2/4/20', '2/5/20', '2/6/20', '2/7/20', '2/8/20', '2/9/20',
       '2/10/20', '2/11/20', '2/12/20', '2/13/20', '2/14/20', '2/15/20',
       '2/16/20', '2/17/20', '2/18/20', '2/19/20', '2/20/20', '2/21/20',
       '2/22/20', '2/23/20', '2/24/20', '2/25/20', '2/26/20', '2/27/20',
       '2/28/20', '2/29/20', '3/1/20', '3/2/20', '3/3/20', '3/4/20', '3/5/20',
       '3/6/20', '3/7/20', '3/8/20', '3/9/20', '3/10/20', '3/11/20', '3/12/20',
       '3/13/20', '3/14/20', '3/15/20', '3/16/20', '3/17/20', '3/18/20',
       '3/19/20', '3/20/20', '3/21/20', '3/22/20', '3/23/20', '3/24/20',
       '3/25/20', '3/26/20', '3/27/20', '3/28/20', '3/29/20', '3/30/20',
       '3/31/20', '4/1/20', '4/2/20', '4/3/20', '4/4/20', '4/5/20', '4/6/20',
       '4/7/20', '4/8/20', '4/9/20'],

Note that dtype='object'which means that these are strings, not DateTimes. We can use pandas to turn it into a DateTimeIndex:

In [11]:
# Set index as DateTimeIndex
datetime_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(confirmed_country.index)
# Check out index
Index(['1/22/20', '1/23/20', '1/24/20', '1/25/20', '1/26/20', '1/27/20',
       '1/28/20', '1/29/20', '1/30/20', '1/31/20', '2/1/20', '2/2/20',
       '2/3/20', '2/4/20', '2/5/20', '2/6/20', '2/7/20', '2/8/20', '2/9/20',
       '2/10/20', '2/11/20', '2/12/20', '2/13/20', '2/14/20', '2/15/20',
       '2/16/20', '2/17/20', '2/18/20', '2/19/20', '2/20/20', '2/21/20',
       '2/22/20', '2/23/20', '2/24/20', '2/25/20', '2/26/20', '2/27/20',
       '2/28/20', '2/29/20', '3/1/20', '3/2/20', '3/3/20', '3/4/20', '3/5/20',
       '3/6/20', '3/7/20', '3/8/20', '3/9/20', '3/10/20', '3/11/20', '3/12/20',
       '3/13/20', '3/14/20', '3/15/20', '3/16/20', '3/17/20', '3/18/20',
       '3/19/20', '3/20/20', '3/21/20', '3/22/20', '3/23/20', '3/24/20',
       '3/25/20', '3/26/20', '3/27/20', '3/28/20', '3/29/20', '3/30/20',
       '3/31/20', '4/1/20', '4/2/20', '4/3/20', '4/4/20', '4/5/20', '4/6/20',
       '4/7/20', '4/8/20', '4/9/20'],

Now we have a DateTimeIndex and Countries for columns, we can use the dataframe plotting method to visualize the time series of confirmed number of cases by country. As there are so many coutries, we'll plot a subset of them:

Plotting confirmed cases by country

In [12]:
# Plot time series of several countries of interest
poi = ['China', 'US', 'Italy', 'France', 'Spain', 'Australia']
confirmed_country[poi].plot(figsize=(20, 10), linewidth=5, colormap='brg', fontsize=20)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1cfe5630160>

Let's label our axes and give the figure a title. We'll also thin the line and add points for the data so that the sampling is evident in our plots:

In [13]:
# Plot time series of several countries of interest
confirmed_country[poi].plot(figsize=(20,10), linewidth=2, marker='.', colormap='brg', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Reported Confirmed cases count', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Reported Confirmed Cases Time Series', fontsize=20);

Let's do this again but make the y-axis logarithmic:

In [14]:
# Plot time series of several countries of interest
confirmed_country[poi].plot(figsize=(20,10), linewidth=2, marker='.', fontsize=20, logy=True)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Reported Confirmed cases count', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Reported Confirmed Cases Time Series', fontsize=20);

Discuss: Why do we plot with a log y-axis? How do we interpret the log plot? Key points:

  • If a variable takes on values over several orders of magnitude (e.g. in the 10s, 100s, and 1000s), we use a log axis so that the data is not all crammed into a small region of the visualization.
  • If a curve is approximately linear on a log axis, then its approximately exponential growth and the gradient/slope of the line tells us about the exponent.

ESSENTIAL POINT: A logarithm scale is good for visualization BUT remember, in the thoughtful words of Justin Bois, "on the ground, in the hospitals, we live with the linear scale. The flattening of the US curve, for example is more evident on the log scale, but the growth is still rapid on a linear scale, which is what we feel."

Summary: We've

  • looked at the JHU data repository and imported the data,
  • looked at the dataset containing the number of reported confirmed cases for each region,
  • wrangled the data to look at the number of reported confirmed cases by country,
  • plotted the number of reported confirmed cases by country (both log and semi-log),
  • discussed why log plots are important for visualization and that we need to remember that we, as humans, families, communities, and society, experience COVID-19 linearly.

Number of reported deaths

As we did above for raw_data_confirmed, let's check out the head and the info of the raw_data_deaths dataframe:

In [15]:

5 rows × 83 columns

In [16]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 263 entries, 0 to 262
Data columns (total 83 columns):
Province/State    82 non-null object
Country/Region    263 non-null object
Lat               263 non-null float64
Long              263 non-null float64
1/22/20           263 non-null int64
1/23/20           263 non-null int64
1/24/20           263 non-null int64
1/25/20           263 non-null int64
1/26/20           263 non-null int64
1/27/20           263 non-null int64
1/28/20           263 non-null int64
1/29/20           263 non-null int64
1/30/20           263 non-null int64
1/31/20           263 non-null int64
2/1/20            263 non-null int64
2/2/20            263 non-null int64
2/3/20            263 non-null int64
2/4/20            263 non-null int64
2/5/20            263 non-null int64
2/6/20            263 non-null int64
2/7/20            263 non-null int64
2/8/20            263 non-null int64
2/9/20            263 non-null int64
2/10/20           263 non-null int64
2/11/20           263 non-null int64
2/12/20           263 non-null int64
2/13/20           263 non-null int64
2/14/20           263 non-null int64
2/15/20           263 non-null int64
2/16/20           263 non-null int64
2/17/20           263 non-null int64
2/18/20           263 non-null int64
2/19/20           263 non-null int64
2/20/20           263 non-null int64
2/21/20           263 non-null int64
2/22/20           263 non-null int64
2/23/20           263 non-null int64
2/24/20           263 non-null int64
2/25/20           263 non-null int64
2/26/20           263 non-null int64
2/27/20           263 non-null int64
2/28/20           263 non-null int64
2/29/20           263 non-null int64
3/1/20            263 non-null int64
3/2/20            263 non-null int64
3/3/20            263 non-null int64
3/4/20            263 non-null int64
3/5/20            263 non-null int64
3/6/20            263 non-null int64
3/7/20            263 non-null int64
3/8/20            263 non-null int64
3/9/20            263 non-null int64
3/10/20           263 non-null int64
3/11/20           263 non-null int64
3/12/20           263 non-null int64
3/13/20           263 non-null int64
3/14/20           263 non-null int64
3/15/20           263 non-null int64
3/16/20           263 non-null int64
3/17/20           263 non-null int64
3/18/20           263 non-null int64
3/19/20           263 non-null int64
3/20/20           263 non-null int64
3/21/20           263 non-null int64
3/22/20           263 non-null int64
3/23/20           263 non-null int64
3/24/20           263 non-null int64
3/25/20           263 non-null int64
3/26/20           263 non-null int64
3/27/20           263 non-null int64
3/28/20           263 non-null int64
3/29/20           263 non-null int64
3/30/20           263 non-null int64
3/31/20           263 non-null int64
4/1/20            263 non-null int64
4/2/20            263 non-null int64
4/3/20            263 non-null int64
4/4/20            263 non-null int64
4/5/20            263 non-null int64
4/6/20            263 non-null int64
4/7/20            263 non-null int64
4/8/20            263 non-null int64
4/9/20            263 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(79), object(2)
memory usage: 170.7+ KB

It seems to be structured similarly to raw_data_confirmed. I have checked it out in detail and can confirm that it is! This is good data design as it means that users like can explore, munge, and visualize it in a fashion analogous to the above. Can you remember what we did? We

  • Split-Apply-Combined it (and dropped 'Lat'/'Long'),
  • Transposed it,
  • Made the index a DateTimeIndex, and
  • Visualized it (linear and semi-log).

Let's now do the first three steps here for raw_data_deaths and see how we go:

Number of reported deaths by country

In [17]:
# Split-Apply-Combine
deaths_country = raw_data_deaths.groupby(by=['Country/Region']).sum().drop(['Lat', 'Long'], axis=1)

# Transpose
deaths_country = deaths_country.transpose()

# Set index as DateTimeIndex
datetime_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(deaths_country.index)

# Check out head
Country/RegionAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaAustraliaAustria...United Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUruguayUzbekistanVenezuelaVietnamWest Bank and GazaWestern SaharaZambiaZimbabwe

5 rows × 184 columns

In [18]:
# Check out the index
Index(['1/22/20', '1/23/20', '1/24/20', '1/25/20', '1/26/20', '1/27/20',
       '1/28/20', '1/29/20', '1/30/20', '1/31/20', '2/1/20', '2/2/20',
       '2/3/20', '2/4/20', '2/5/20', '2/6/20', '2/7/20', '2/8/20', '2/9/20',
       '2/10/20', '2/11/20', '2/12/20', '2/13/20', '2/14/20', '2/15/20',
       '2/16/20', '2/17/20', '2/18/20', '2/19/20', '2/20/20', '2/21/20',
       '2/22/20', '2/23/20', '2/24/20', '2/25/20', '2/26/20', '2/27/20',
       '2/28/20', '2/29/20', '3/1/20', '3/2/20', '3/3/20', '3/4/20', '3/5/20',
       '3/6/20', '3/7/20', '3/8/20', '3/9/20', '3/10/20', '3/11/20', '3/12/20',
       '3/13/20', '3/14/20', '3/15/20', '3/16/20', '3/17/20', '3/18/20',
       '3/19/20', '3/20/20', '3/21/20', '3/22/20', '3/23/20', '3/24/20',
       '3/25/20', '3/26/20', '3/27/20', '3/28/20', '3/29/20', '3/30/20',
       '3/31/20', '4/1/20', '4/2/20', '4/3/20', '4/4/20', '4/5/20', '4/6/20',
       '4/7/20', '4/8/20', '4/9/20'],

Plotting number of reported deaths by country

Let's now visualize the number of reported deaths:

In [19]:
# Plot time series of several countries of interest
deaths_country[poi].plot(figsize=(20, 10), linewidth=2, marker='.', colormap='brg', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Number of Reported Deaths', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Reported Deaths Time Series', fontsize=20);

Now on a semi-log plot:

In [20]:
# Plot time series of several countries of interest
deaths_country[poi].plot(figsize=(20,10), linewidth=2, marker='.', fontsize=20, colormap='brg', logy=True)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Number of Reported Deaths', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Reported Deaths Time Series', fontsize=20);

Aligning growth curves to start with day of number of known deaths ≥ 25

To compare what's happening in different countries, we can align each country's growth curves to all start on the day when the number of known deaths ≥ 25, such as reported in the first figure here. To achieve this, first off, let's set set all values less than 25 to NaN so that the associated data points don't get plotted at all when we visualize the data:

In [21]:
# Loop over columns & set values < 25 to None
for col in deaths_country.columns:
    deaths_country.loc[(deaths_country[col] < 25), col] = None

# Check out tail
Country/RegionAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaAustraliaAustria...United Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUruguayUzbekistanVenezuelaVietnamWest Bank and GazaWestern SaharaZambiaZimbabwe

5 rows × 184 columns

Now let's plot as above to make sure we see what we think we should see:

In [22]:
# Plot time series of several countries of interest
poi = ['China', 'US', 'Italy', 'France', 'Australia']
deaths_country[poi].plot(figsize=(20,10), linewidth=2, marker='.', colormap='brg', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Number of Reported Deaths', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Reported Deaths Time Series', fontsize=20);

The countries that have seen less than 25 total deaths will have columns of all NaNs now so let's drop these and then see how many columns we have left:

In [23]:
# Drop columns that are all NaNs (i.e. countries that haven't yet reached 25 deaths)
deaths_country.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 79 entries, 1/22/20 to 4/9/20
Data columns (total 60 columns):
Algeria                   15 non-null float64
Andorra                   1 non-null float64
Argentina                 10 non-null float64
Australia                 7 non-null float64
Austria                   17 non-null float64
Belgium                   21 non-null float64
Bosnia and Herzegovina    4 non-null float64
Brazil                    19 non-null float64
Canada                    18 non-null float64
Chile                     6 non-null float64
China                     77 non-null float64
Colombia                  7 non-null float64
Czechia                   10 non-null float64
Denmark                   17 non-null float64
Dominican Republic        13 non-null float64
Ecuador                   17 non-null float64
Egypt                     14 non-null float64
Finland                   6 non-null float64
France                    31 non-null float64
Germany                   23 non-null float64
Greece                    15 non-null float64
Hungary                   7 non-null float64
India                     12 non-null float64
Indonesia                 22 non-null float64
Iran                      43 non-null float64
Iraq                      17 non-null float64
Ireland                   13 non-null float64
Israel                    9 non-null float64
Italy                     41 non-null float64
Japan                     25 non-null float64
Korea, South              39 non-null float64
Luxembourg                9 non-null float64
Malaysia                  14 non-null float64
Mexico                    10 non-null float64
Moldova                   2 non-null float64
Morocco                   13 non-null float64
Netherlands               24 non-null float64
North Macedonia           3 non-null float64
Norway                    12 non-null float64
Pakistan                  10 non-null float64
Panama                    10 non-null float64
Peru                      10 non-null float64
Philippines               19 non-null float64
Poland                    11 non-null float64
Portugal                  17 non-null float64
Romania                   14 non-null float64
Russia                    8 non-null float64
San Marino                11 non-null float64
Saudi Arabia              7 non-null float64
Serbia                    9 non-null float64
Slovenia                  5 non-null float64
Spain                     32 non-null float64
Sweden                    18 non-null float64
Switzerland               24 non-null float64
Thailand                  4 non-null float64
Tunisia                   1 non-null float64
Turkey                    19 non-null float64
US                        31 non-null float64
Ukraine                   7 non-null float64
United Kingdom            25 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(60)
memory usage: 37.6+ KB

As we're going to align the countries from the day they first had at least 25 deaths, we won't need the DateTimeIndex. In fact, we won't need the date at all. So we can

  • Reset the Index, which will give us an ordinal index (which turns the date into a regular column) and
  • Drop the date column (which will be called 'index) after the reset.
In [24]:
# drop index, sort date column
deaths_country_drop = deaths_country.reset_index().drop(['index'], axis=1)
Country/RegionAlgeriaAndorraArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBosnia and HerzegovinaBrazilCanadaChile...SloveniaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTunisiaTurkeyUSUkraineUnited Kingdom

5 rows × 60 columns

Now it's time to shift each column so that the first entry is the first NaN value that it contains! To do this, we can use the shift() method on each column. How much do we shift each column, though? The magnitude of the shift is given by how many NaNs there are at the start of the column, which we can retrieve using the first_valid_index() method on the column but we want to shift up, which is negative in direction (by convention and perhaps intuition). SO let's do it.

In [25]:
# shift
for col in deaths_country_drop.columns:
    deaths_country_drop[col] = deaths_country_drop[col].shift(-deaths_country_drop[col].first_valid_index())
# check out head
Country/RegionAlgeriaAndorraArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBosnia and HerzegovinaBrazilCanadaChile...SloveniaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTunisiaTurkeyUSUkraineUnited Kingdom

5 rows × 60 columns

Side note: instead of looping over columns, we could have applied a lambda function to the columns of the dataframe, as follows:

In [26]:
# shift using lambda function
#deaths_country = deaths_country.apply(lambda x: x.shift(-x.first_valid_index()))

Now we get to plot our time series, first with linear axes, then semi-log:

In [27]:
# Plot time series 
ax = deaths_country_drop.plot(figsize=(20,10), linewidth=2, marker='.', fontsize=20)
ax.legend(ncol=3, loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('Days', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Number of Reported Deaths', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Total reported coronavirus deaths for places with at least 25 deaths', fontsize=20);
In [28]:
# Plot semi log time series 
ax = deaths_country_drop.plot(figsize=(20,10), linewidth=2, marker='.', fontsize=20, logy=True)
ax.legend(ncol=3, loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('Days', fontsize=20);
plt.ylabel('Deaths Patients count', fontsize=20);
plt.title('Total reported coronavirus deaths for places with at least 25 deaths', fontsize=20);